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Doppelpunkt Popliteratur Magazine

DPP Editing > About Us > Concept

The „Doppelpunkt Popliterature“ magazine appears every three months and can be downloaded for free. The current number of copies downloaded is about 150.000.

The topics literature, culture, nightlife, traveling and social educational culture can be found within the „Doppelpunkt Popliterature“ magazine.

The „Doppelpunkt Popliterature“ magazine is a project that provides the possibilty for everyone to paticipate for the short or term. Through this possibilty it was achievable to create a network of artists, musicians, publishers, partys, organizers and social communities interest.

If you are interested in working for the „Doppelpunkt Popliterature“ magazine feel free to contact us. Tell us something about the way you want to integrate your skills and what kind of help you will need from us.

The „Doppelpunkt Popliterature“ magazine doesn´t care for the money, it cares about making a difference.


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